About Us
The Baron's Game Room is a group of friends with a passion for tabletop gaming. When we decided to start our own company, we wanted to do so with 3 ideals in mind: Quality, Excellence, and FUN! We carry those ideals into everything we do and every game we make!
Aaron Bilyeu
Aaron is our lead designer. He designs, tests, and develops all of our games here at TBGR. He takes inspiration from his hobbies of gaming (both video and tabletop), movies, music, and general nerd culture. He also loves to hear his friends' crazy game ideas and work his magic.
Aaron is a musician and has played with multiple bands. He is also a family man that wishes to leave behind a legacy of great games for his children, and others, to enjoy.
Melanie Bilyeu
Melanie is our graphics designer, marketing manager, financial advisor, anything related to keeping us running on the back end. She handles the business stuff and makes the games look pretty while also assisting with game development and testing.
Melanie's favorite things include kittens, video games, and sushi. She likes to crochet in her free time, and play the bassoon.